Security Checklist: Limit Scope on Secrets
The late, great Adam Schlesinger wrote about a quarterback who "all kinds of time." Sadly, the only ones these days who really have all...
Tim Burns
The Owl Mountain Blog is the authors views on the Fascianting World of Data
Security Checklist: Limit Scope on Secrets
How Copy S3 Data Directly into Postgres
Jump-start Postgres Development with Terraform
Postgres is Not a Dinosaur (At least not with AWS)
Using a Lambda Layer with API Gateway
Test First Design with AWS Serverless
Building a Secure AWS Virtual Private Cloud
Finally found a Good Discussion of Layers
Scariest Dude in Providence
Python JSON with S3: Parsing Directly from S3
Python JSON: A simple JSON application with Big Goals
AWS and Terraform: Setting up your first AWS Remote File
Here I go again!