Building Better Data Security using BI Analytics
Tim Burns
The Owl Mountain Blog is the authors views on the Fascianting World of Data
Monitoring and Alerting on Snowflake
Metabase is the Next Big Thing in BI
Assessing User Security on Snowflake
Glad to Report I wasn't Hacked on my Vacation
Place and Work - Working Remotely from Gould, CO
Data Dictionary and Kaggle
Exploring Classifiers in Machine Learning
Comprehending the Iris Data Set from PySpark
Entropy and Log Loss
An ML model for Birds in my Back Yard
My Personal Leadership Values Manifesto
Building an ML Model - The PySpark Pipeline
A Checklist for Building a ML Model in Spark
Recommended Books on Machine Learning
A Middle Manager Learns Spark
Turn JSON into Actionable Data - Lunch
From Vulgar Mechanick to Nimble Developer: Machine Learning with PySpark and AWS
How to add /usr/local/apache-spark as Content Root on a Mac
AWS for Data Scientists: From VPC to Spark